This is England
I met London for the very first time in 1998 and it’s been Love at first sight. I came back every single summer till 2006 when, god knows how, I moved to Yorkshire where I spent 4 years before moving down to the Big Smoke where in 2018 I became a British citizen. In 2019 I moved across the pond to Chicago but the UK, England will always be home. London particularly: the most open-minded, multicultural, welcoming city I’ve ever been.

Just for one: my favorite pubs in London
A list of 47 of my favorite pubs in London which are, together with the bunch of people that were orbiting around them, foundational to explain my love for London…. […]

Cuisines of London
Have you ever wondered how many different cuisines you can try in London? This is a journey I took in 2017 with one simple goal: try as many cuisine you can find within the incredible city… […]