The American Dream
I moved to the US, Chicago, in March 2019. "Thank" to the pandemic and my visa situation, I wasn't allowed to leave the country for about 3 years hence I started traveling domestically. After 3 years I got my green card, I can travel abroad but there are still tons of places I want to see in this weird and wonderful place called America
Day 8: Santa Fe NM to Gallup NM
Breaking Bad nostalgia time anyone?
Day 7: Tucumcari NM to Santa Fe NM
That day I was stranded in the middle of nowhere in New Mexico...
Day 6: Amarillo TX to Tucumcari NM
Half way from Chicago to LA
Day 5: Oklahoma City OK to Amarillo TX
Everything is bigger in Texas...
Day 4: Carthage MO to Oklahoma City OK
That day I drove by a whale. In Oklahoma. Wait, what?
Day 3: Cuba MO to Carthage MO
When you need a beer but everything is closed
Day 2: Springfield IL to Cuba MO
Leaving Illinois for the first time in 18 months.
Day 1: Chicago IL to Springfield IL
An eventful day 1 of this road trip